Just saw a news clip about a bunch of "youths" who rioted at a hip-hop concert in Chicago at the Ford mall. People at the concert said a bunch of teens just ran in yelling, throwing food, looting stores, then they ran outside breaking car windows, jumping on vehicles, smashing side view mirrors and throwing snow at the police. In the video that accompanied the report, everyone at the mall was black.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted this 40 years ago. Back then the black illegitimacy rate was only 25% (today it's 75%). But even then Moynihan was able to look at the trend and famously conclude that any society that lets its young men grow up without marriage, without fathers, without any connection to "male authority," is asking for "chaos" and gets it.
Well, it took 40 years. But now the chaos is here. Michael Moore announced last month that the reason whites want guns is to protect themselves from blacks. He offered that bit of news as an original insight. Michael, in case you don't know (and I don't believe you do), guns allow people to protect themselves in their homes from increasingly common home invaders in situations where the cops can't come right away (if at all). Of course whites want guns. How else can a single homeowner possibly cope with a flash mob running in the door?
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