Sunday, February 10, 2013

The LAPD Has Lost It's Mind

The LAPD has already blasted two pickup  trucks full of bullet holes because they might have contained the cop killer, Christopher Dorner. The first truck they shot up (nearly 50 times) had a 70 year old Hispanic grandmother inside. She and her daughter were delivering newspapers for the LA Times. The cops, apparently without warning, shot the grandmother twice in the back. Flying glass then cut her daughter's hand. I don't know what the cops did or said when they realized how badly they fucked up. Probably tried to claim the woman pulled something suspicious from her waistband. Well, she did. It was a folded copy of the Los Angeles Times. She was throwing them on subscribers' front lawns. The cops saw something in the air, decided it was a weapon and their lives were in danger.

It didn't matter that they got everything wrong--race, sex, weight, age, and model and color of the truck.

If cops are going to start blasting any truck they see at night,  no matter who is driving and no matter whether the truck matches the description of the fugitive or not, no one is safe. I probably ought not to ride my bicycle down to the corner grocery store.

A thought. Dorner already has a victim complex. Next thing he is going to do is start whining for sympathy on the grounds the cops were out of control. Well, whatever else is wrong with his thinking that's one part he got right.

It's clear the LAPD doesn't want us to have guns but for the rest of us that's a no-brainer. When the LAPD acts as crazy as they did with the newspaper delivery ladies we sure don't want them to be the only one with guns--otherwise they'll just continue to blast the living shit out of 70 year old grandmas delivering the paper.

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