Thursday, March 7, 2013

Suspenders Are Quite An Invention

I'm looking a little more gruff than I intended in my long green LL Bean shirt with my maroon suspenders

Lunch--you guessed it--was a double-double without cheese.

This girl was chatting outside when I went in. Still there when I came out. People do have a lot to talk about these days

Well, I did taste it and it was a quality product but even so I still like Smash Burger better. It's the bun that does it.

I built the bookcase in my wife's office one day in a fit of energy. Holly keeps books here that she teaches in her English courses. She just finished reading "Frankenstein," which she says is a far better and more poignant book than movie. And she's currently reading "Heart of Darkness" on her Kindle, preparatory to teaching that. I could probably download that myself onto my Galaxy Note II from Project Gutenberg.

My little garden of volunteers. I have sunflowers and onions coming up now  from last year, carrots and even a little lettuce, which is surprising because I could hardly get it to grow at all during the hot part of last summer.

I brought out our summer table for the patio but holly is upset. She says the table will get rained on. And so it will, but so what? Aluminum and water don't rot or discolor in the rain. It will rain for two more days then spring arrives and the rain is pretty much gone for good.

I had bought it out to read the morning paper and drink coffee. But I discovered without the umbrella it's too hot to sit in the sun. So I compromise by putting my coffee and newspapers on a bench instead. With a high quality set of headphones a person could run  his whole office from his patio, enjoying the breeze and the morning sun,

I tried to buy .22 caliber rimfire long rifle ammunition for my old Marlin lever action. One ammo store,  a rapidly vanishing breed if Jerry Brown gets way his wants to change $15 for as few as 100 cartridges. I used to be able to buy five times that many cartridges for a mere $15. Everyone is stocking  up for when Obama and Jerry Brown try to make ammunition sales illegal in California.

(Update: I stopped by the Big 5 sporting goods store in Glendale late this afternoon to buy .22 caliber rifle ammunition. They laughed politely at my innocence in thinking they might have anything in stock. The clerk said that when the store opens each morning there is a long line people waiting to buy .22 shells and they sell out in 10 minutes.)

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