Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Capri restaurant on Eagle Rock Boulevard. Twenty years ago the place had  a homey kitschy decor with Christmas tree lights and the best pizza in Eagle Rock (they made their own sausage).  On cold nights the pizza ovens kept the dining area warm and cozy. Then 10 or 12 years ago the original owners sold the place. The homemade sausage disappeared and the restaurant began a long slow decline. Finally a year or two ago one of these reality TV shows that performs "do overs" did over the Capri, changing the menu and ditching the interior Christmas tree lights and all the old homey, such as a light at each table. I understand the place is doing better now but I still miss the old decor.

Coming home from a bike ride I stopped off at the Coffee Table on Colorado. There were four Occidenal College girls (only one one of whom is visible here) at the next table over behind the mustard and ketchup. As is my wont these days, I ignored all such distractions, sipped my coffee and read the science news on my Galaxy Notebook II till the New York Times told me I'd exceeded the number of free articles I could read in a week.

Speaking of my new cellphone, it has a GPS tracking device that can tell he what end of the house I'm in, which is pretty impressive. When I'm upstairs in my office the little locator arrow tells me I'm in the northeast corner of the house. When I go downstairs into Holly's office it correctly relocates me near the center of her office's west wall.  If you are traveling around the city, it gives good directions, either showing  you a map with a list of turns, or a woman's voice actually telling you what to do out loud, such as for instance what lane to get in and when to turn. 

In one sense, none of this is new since my wife pretty much does all that already, but the difference is the computer is a bit more maddening because when I'm driving I can't find the button to make it stop talking. 

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