I just read that another a school had a boy arrested because he posted a message saying he might bring a "toy gun" to school (to protest what he described as lax security at the school). Naturally the police arrested the boy--on the grounds that he was shouting fire in a crowded theater. Apparently up to 50 parents kept their kids home that day when they heard about his message.
I don't know why schools (and parents) are so dumb these days. I find it hard to believe that school authorities think that a statement that a kid might bring a "toy gun" to school is actually a security threat.
I suspect they looked at the attendance numbers and flew off the handle at all the money they lost that day based on their school's average daily attendance figures. That's what really pissed them off--that other parents were so stupid they kept their kids home from school. Someone needed to suffer for that loss of income and so the boy did.
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