Friday, September 27, 2013

Diet News (again)

Weight down five pounds after five days but I suspect than 80% of it is water loss. I've been thirsty (and therefore drinking) all day. Tomorrow my weight will be up three pounds to 238. So sayeth Paul. Gary Taubes says a couple things in his book that really scare me. He says if you have been fat for a long time, then a low-carb or no-carb diet might take months or years to work and it may never work at all. He also says that most of the initial weight loss is water, so now the hard part begins. On other matters, my bike battery only took me about 22 miles before falling to one bar (out of four). I don't know what that's all about.


down three pounds to 237 after three days

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tales of My Pedago

I went exactly 30 miles since I last charged my electric bike battery. I had one more bar (out of four) on the battery indicator. I doubt I would have made 10 more miles though. Perhaps four max. But I never completely drain the battery for fear I'll have to pedal the bike up the hill to my house all by myself.

When I bought this bike I was afraid I was wasting $3000. And that two weeks after I bought it I would regret it. Am I happily surprised? Well, yes I am. I haven't ridden my car now in over a week.

Only problem. Front brake squeals I pull the brake lever too hard. I paid someone down at the bike store $10 to adjust it but he only reduced it perhaps 10%.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fall is Coming (finally)

Weather finally broke. Only 84 degrees at 2:30 pm. Sounds warm maybe but unbelievably cool to me. And cold at night.